
Estado helps you to integrate your current location into Confluence via Hipchat. It is based on slash commands and allows you to define your own status message

  • Idea
  • UX
  • Frontend
  • Keynote

Where it started

We finished our 24h ShipIt Days a few days ago and I had the chance to develop a very smart Atlassian Hipchat/Confluence feature within a great team. And we finally won.

Let` talk about the project. There are a lot of messages related to the current location every morning. We thought that it is helpful to provide an easy view where you can see where your colleagues are working. You just have to use a define a simple hipchat command to get displayed in confluence with your avatar and your name.

Estado. Your status in Confluence via hipchat

Commands & colors

There is one way to to write down a correct message. You just have to begin with the slash command and choose the option to define your own status message which is optional. Finally we decided to create 4 commands for the first version.

/ho I am working remote today

Overview of all commands
  • /ho → Home office
  • /sick → Sick, not available
  • /customer → At the customer
  • /bio → Back in the office


I created a keynote for this add-on which was used to present this feature in front of the company.